How to install an SSL in DirectAdmin for your WordPress site

Once you have logged into your DirectAdmin control panel you will want to select the domain which needs to be updated from the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner. You will then want to mouse over the Account Manager tab and then click on the SSL Certificates button. On this page, you will then want to select the Free & automatic certificate from Let's Encrypt tab. 

Once you click on this tab you should be able to select which domains and subdomains you would like to generate an SSL certificate for. You will want to make sure that the certificate "common name" field matches the domain which you are generating the SSL certificate for.  If you are not working on the server which handles the email for your domain, then uncheck the mailimappopsmtp and webmail entries. Also, make sure that you are not selecting any subdomain entries which do not resolve to this server.

Once you have selected the domains/subdomains you would like to secure, all you have to do is click the green Save button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, and DirectAdmin will handle the rest of the work for you!

If you happen to experience an error when generating any SSL certificates please submit a ticket through our billing system including the complete contents of the error message you receive as well as your 5 digit support pin from the HostRocket client area ( for account verification purposes, and one of our technicians will assist you as soon as possible.

If you are looking to use the wildcard certificate option, please open a ticket with our shared support team detailing the domains and subdomains which you wish to be covered by this wildcard certificate. As always, please make sure you include your 5 digit support pin from the HostRocket client area ( to authorize the technician who handles your ticket to make any necessary account changes.

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