Subdomain Structure

One of the most common issues resulting from the migration are due to the change in how the website document roots work on the new control panel. For example, previously the document root for a main domain on a cPanel server was:


On the new DirectAdmin control panel system, the DocumentRoots are handled like so:



In the case of your subdomain DocumentRoot structure, the file path would once again be different than on a cPanel based server. On a cPanel based server, the document root for would be as follows:




On the new DirectAdmin servers, your subdomain DocumentRoot would be located here:





If you are having any problems at all, please contact [email protected] with your account support pin as well as a detailed description of the problem and we will be happy to assist. Please note that response times may be a bit delayed during our migration periods.

  • directadmin, DirectAdmin, directory listing, directory structure, direct admin, subdomains, subdomain, domain, domains
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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