99.5% Uptime Guarantee

If you feel that your site was not up the guaranteed 99.5% during a given month, please submit a trouble ticket stating your situation and we will review this with you, and credit your account accordingly.

Further information regarding the Uptime Guarantee can be found on our terms of service located here: https://tos.hostrocket.com/ [Section 7]


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How do I renew my account?

All hosting accounts are renewed automatically on the anniversary date of your account, unless...

Are there any hidden fees?

There are no hidden fees with HostRocket. Fees are listed on our hosting plans page, and the only...

Does HostRocket accept PayPal?

No, HostRocket does not accept PayPal.

Incorrect Billing

If you believe you were incorrectly billed, please submit a ticket to us explaining what you...

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you are unhappy with your hosting account with us for any reason, or just wish to close the...