How do I contact the HostRocket support team if I need help?

Members of the HostRocket support team are on duty 24/7 to assist you with any problems you may have with your hosting account. Our primary means of providing technical support is via our web based trouble ticket system.

You can login to your HostRocket account via the Account Management System Login at and submit new trouble tickets there as well as viewing and/or updating old or current tickets.

It's also possible to access our trouble system directly via email. To do so email [email protected] with details on your problem. In order to have your emailed trouble ticket accepted and routed properly please include your domain name in square brackets at the end of your subject line as in the following example:

Subject: FTP problem []

Tips on submitting trouble tickets

- Always explain any problems you may be having as clearly as possible and provide sufficient detail. When requesting help with scripts or describing problems with one or more pages on your site please try to include the specific URL of the script or problematic page.

- When submitting trouble tickets requesting login details or changes to your account (billing changes, domain changes or renewals, additional services, etc) make sure to include the support pin from the top left corner of your client area ( for verification purposes. More than anything else providing this verification info will help to expedite matters as in many cases we cannot proceed without it.

Additional Note

While we here at HostRocket try our best to respond to all support requests promptly and effectively, unfortunately not all problems are clearcut or have simple solutions and on occasion you may not receive an immediate response. Please understand that the lack of an immediate reply does not indicate that your trouble ticket was overlooked or did not get our attention. While the vast majority of all problems are handled on the spot by the first support team member to read your ticket in other cases tickets may have to be routed to members of our team with specific areas of expertise or there may be a need to flag more complex and uncommon problems to our higher level support. The whole process is designed to provide accurate as well as timely responses and solutions, and we appreciate your patience while we work to serve you.

Other methods of contacting us

As a general rule all problems can be handled satisfactorily via our trouble ticket system however if necessary dedicated, reseller cloud, and colo customers can also contact us by phone toll free at 1-866-519-7079.

Our phone support hours are:

Monday-Friday 24 hours
Saturday-Sunday 8AM-12AM EST

Our goal here at HostRocket is total customer satisfaction, if for any reason you are dissatisfied with any of our services please feel free to contact our Customer Service Manager via email at [email protected]

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