With DirectAdmin, the way Reseller accounts administer the accounts of their clients differ from past cPanel and WHM.
Another change is in the way the control panel operates are the user "levels". When you log into DirectAdmin using your reseller account info, you will be automatically placed on a "reseller" level. The "reseller" level is used for making administrative changes to your subaccounts. It offers many of the same features as were available in WHM on the old server.
To make changes to your specific site/account, you will want to change the access level from "reseller" to "user" using the drop-down in the top right-hand side of your DirectAdmin interface. Once you switch to the "user" access level you will be able to make changes to your DirectAdmin user account.
From the Reseller tab, you can add new users, list users, change passwords and other administrative tasks. From the user tab, it shows what a "user" will see when they login - administrative options pertaining to the website related to the account such as MySQL database management, File Management, Domain management and more.