Using the File Manager

With DirectAdmin, you can easily manage all of your files from within the DirectAdmin control panel.

To access your DirectAdmin Control Panel, you will want to log into your HostRocket client area (

Once logged in, please click on the "Services" box.
Click on "Active" on the right-hand side of your hosting package.
Scroll down and click "Login to DirectAdmin"

Once you are logged in, the File Manager can be found on the left side of the front page, scrolling down until the "System Info & Files" section. The icon looks like this:

Once you click that icon, it'll bring you into the File Manager. The directory this opens up in is "/home/yourusername" - this is referred to as your "root" directory or your "top level" directory. You can navigate through your directories and files using the File Manager user interface. If you hover your mouse over a file or folder, options will pop up that include Rename, Copy, Set Permissions and Delete. 

To create a new folder, or file, or upload a new file from your computer, on the bottom left of the File Manager there are 3 buttons for those tasks. This makes uploading and creating files very simple and easy. It'll be found on the bottom of the Folder Navigation bar on the left. Below is a screenshot of what you are looking for.

From the File Manager, you can find your "domains" folder found in your root directory. This folder will contain more folders with the domain name(s) of your website(s). Inside this next website folder you can find the public_html. When somebody visits your website, the information displayed to the user visiting your site is pulled from the public_html folder found in this domains/website URL folder. This is likely going to be your most important / most used folder. 

For example:

If your website is "",  and you have a web HTML file called "test.html" - the test.html file should be in the following directory:


If it is in this above directory, when somebody visits "" in their browser - they will get the test.html web page!


Thanks for reading - we hope you are now more familiar and comfortable with the File Manager tool!


  • file manager, directadmin
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