If your domain is registered on NameCheap.com, you can follow these steps to update your domain's nameservers:
1. Open the NameCheap.com website and click on "Sign in". It will show you a login form.
2. After a successful login, click on the "Domain List" option.
3. Under Domain List, You can see list of your domains. In front of your domain click on dropdown menu and select "Manage".

4. Scroll down to the "Nameservers" option and select "Custom DNS" from the dropdown menu.

5. Enter your nameserver in the "Nameserver" field and then click on "Save".

Note: For your current nameservers, you will need to check your Welcome Email and if you have lost it, then contact us and we will be happy to help you. It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.